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Register for the USVI BreakBeatCode Hackaton

DEADLINE for registration is March 4, 2022.  


Register Your 10-18 year old now!


IMPORTANT: You must have a ZOOM account prior to registration. You must use the ZOOM app in order to participate in this online presentation. ONE registrant per form. Once you complete the registration form, and you're accepted, you will be emailed the ZOOM online link for the USVI BreakBeatCode Hackathon. Students will be able to listen to their beats in a live DJ set, which will take place on Sunday, March 13, 2022.


For more information about the USVI BreakBeatCode Hackathon, please contact the Virgin Islands Children's Museum at (340) 340-643-0366 or email us at You can also join our event on Facebook.


Not sure what #BreakBeatCode is? Click here to watch this brief video,

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